





​华体会,[1]王云飞,金锡标,朱国强,等.生物预处理工艺去除废水中四环素类抗生素[J].中国给水排水,2023,39(1):86-90.  WANGYun-fei,JINXi-biao,ZHUGuo-qian


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  • English上一篇下一篇PDF下载[1]王云飞,金锡标,朱国强,等.生物预处置工艺去除废水中四环素类抗生素[J].中国给水排水,2023,39(1):86-90. WANGYun-fei,JINXi-biao,ZHUGuo-qiang,et al.Biological Pretreatment Process for Removal of Tetracyclines Antibiotic from Wastewater[J].China Water & Wastewater,2023,39(1):86-90.点击复制

    Biological Pretreatment Process for Removal of Tetracyclines Antibiotic from Wastewater
    王云飞, 金锡标, 朱国强, 王文琳
    (华东理工年夜学 资本与情况项目学院,上海 200237)
    WANG Yun-fei, JIN Xi-biao, ZHU Guo-qiang, WANG Wen-lin
    (School of Resources and Environmental Engineering, East China University of Science and Technology, Shanghai 200237, China)
    tetracyclines antibiotic;pretreatment;biological aeration;coagulation;iron salt;volatile fatty acid
    针对四环素类抗生素(TCs)出产废水在生物处置进程中遍及具有的泡沫猛烈、污泥沉降坚苦、处置效力低等问题,提出了生物曝气—铁盐混凝预处置工艺。成果显示,生物预处置工艺既能够提高TCs去除率,又可以或许下降铁盐投加量,当铁盐投加量(以Fe计)为100 mg/L时,TCs去除率由27.5%提高到84.5%;对未经生物预处置的废水,若要到达不异的TCs去除结果,铁盐投加量为600 mg/L。这多是因为废水中77.8%的挥发性脂肪酸在生物预处置进程中被有用去除,从而下降了其对铁盐混凝去除TCs的干扰。颠末生物预处置后,后续生物处置系统出水COD由531 mg/L降至199 mg/L,处置结果晋升较着。
    The biological treatment of tetracyclines (TCs) antibiotic production wastewater has the common problems such as large amount of foam, difficulty in sludge settlement and low treatment efficiency. To solve these problems, a pretreatment process consisting of biological aeration and iron salt coagulation was proposed. The biological pretreatment not only increased the TCs removal rate, but also reduced the dosage of iron salt. When the dosage of iron salt (calculated by Fe) was 100 mg/L, the TCs removal rate increased from 27.5% to 84.5%. To achieve the same TCs removal performance for wastewater without biological pretreatment, the dosage of iron salt was 600 mg/L. The reason might be due to the fact that 77.8% of volatile fatty acids in wastewater were effectively removed during the biological pretreatment process, thus reducing their interference to the removal of TCs by ferric coagulation. After the biological pretreatment, the COD in the effluent from the subsequent biological treatment system decreased from 531 mg/L to 199 mg/L, and the treatment performance was significantly improved.


    [1]张锋,俞周,芮继续,等.长距离输水管道输水进程中水量变化环境[J].中国给水排水,2022,38(15):50.ZHANGFeng,YUZhou,RUIJi?cheng,et al.Changes of Water Quality in Long-distance Pipelines during Transmission[J].China Water & Wastewater,2022,38(1):50.[2]贺栋才,杨婧,蒋彬,等.成都合作污水处置厂三期项目MP-MBR工艺设想[J].中国给水排水,2022,38(16):57.HEDong-cai,YANGJing,JIANGBin,et al.MP-MBR Process Design of Chengdu Hezuo Wastewater Treatment Plant Phase Ⅲ Project[J].China Water & Wastewater,2022,38(1):57.[3]王新,王玉庆,孙嘉欣,等.预处置+UASB+A/O组合工艺处置肝素钠出产废水[J].中国给水排水,2022,38(18):120.WANGXin,WANGYu-qing,SUNJia-xin,et al.Treatment of Heparin Sodium Production Wastewater by Combined Process of Pretreatment, UASB and A/O[J].China Water & Wastewater,2022,38(1):120.[4]王洋,黄奇云,谢杰,等.农村排水户酿酒废水搜集、预处置和集中处置[J].中国给水排水,2022,38(22):123.WANGYang,HUANGQi-yun,XIE Jie,et al.Collection, Pretreatment and Centralized Treatment of Brewing Wastewater in Rural Drainage Households[J].China Water & Wastewater,2022,38(1):123.

    更新日期/Last Update:2023-01-01


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