





​华体会,]李文秋,张维,孙永利,等.城市排水系统旱季阶段性冒溢成因及对策建议[J].中国给水排水,2023,39(10):17-22.  LIWen-qiu,ZHANGWei,SUNYong-li,et al


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  • English上一篇下一篇PDF下载[1]李文秋,张维,孙永利,等.城市排水系统旱季阶段性冒溢成因和对策建议[J].中国给水排水,2023,39(10):17-22. LIWen-qiu,ZHANGWei,SUNYong-li,et al.Causes and Countermeasures of Periodic Overflow of Urban Drainage System in Dry Season[J].China Water & Wastewater,2023,39(10):17-22.点击复制

    Causes and Countermeasures of Periodic Overflow of Urban Drainage System in Dry Season
    李文秋1,2, 张维1,3, 孙永利1,2,3, 刘静1,2,3, 马换梅1,3, 李鹏峰1,2,3, 隋克俭1,2, 李家驹1,2
    (1.中国市政项目华北设想研究总院无限公司,天津 300074;2.天津市城市排水系统重点尝试室,天津 300074;3.国度城市给水排水项目手艺研究中间,天津 300074)
    LI Wen-qiu1,2, ZHANG Wei1,3, SUN Yong-li1,2,3, LIU Jing1,2,3, MA Huan-mei1,3, LI Peng-feng1,2,3, SUI Ke-jian1,2, LI Jia-ju1,2
    (1. North China Municipal Engineering Design & Research Institute Co. Ltd., Tianjin 300074, China; 2. Tianjin Key Laboratory of Urban Drainage System, Tianjin 300074, China; 3. National Engineering Technology Research Center for Water & Wastewater, Tianjin 300074, China)
    periodic overflow in dry season;operation of sewage pipe network with high liquid level;non-domestic sewage infiltration;tracing to the source and removal
    The periodic overflow in dry season has negative impact on the centralized collection and treatment of urban domestic sewage. It is also unfavorable to the safety and operation stability of the drainage system. This paper discusses the causes of periodic overflow of urban drainage system in dry season including the following two aspects: Ⅰ) reduced storage capacity of the pipe network due to the long-term operation of sewage collection pipes with high liquid level, Ⅱ) non-domestic sewage discharge into the pipe network space, such as urban river and lake water, groundwater, mountain springs and streams, industrial enterprise wastewater, construction dewatering, commercial and recreational drainage, etc. On this basis, some engineering and management countermeasures and suggestions are put forward, such as gradually reducing the liquid level of sewage collection pipelines, focusing on the tracing to the source and removal of non-domestic sewage, strengthening supervision of drainage households and daily maintenance and management of pipe network.
    更新日期/Last Update:2023-05-17


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